Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Book hangovers.... or alcohol hangovers????  I don't know which is worse?!?!  Lets go with book hangovers because it lasts so much longer than a day!!!

I finished the Pucked series by Helen Hunting and now its like I just can't get into another book, its so aggravating!!!! Of course there are three books that are coming out this month that I just have to read....

T.M. Frazier is coming out with Soulless which is the second book to Bear.... the way that Lawless left off, that crazy ginger..... I just have to know what the hell is going on?!?!?!?  Talk about cliff hangers.... this was one bitch of a cliff hanger!?!?!

Then there is Tijan Meyers third installment in her paranormal series.... Davina!!! Super pumped for this one because the relationship between Davina and Luke is just so damn titillating... whats even more awesome is that she moved up her release date it was originally the 22nd of February!!!

One of my all time favorite authors L.M. Carr is coming out with her second series.... shes been posting little peeks and teasers about Shane's story and I have been dying to read his story.  I didn't think too fondly of him in the Giving Trilogy because of what he did to Mia, but I just know he will redeem himself in my eyes!! 

So yeah, book hangovers really fricking suck.... especially when you have heard such amazing things about other books and when you try to read them you just can't get into them because every other word your thinking back to your last epic read!!!!

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